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Teleconferencing solutions from Extension Technology

Teleconferencing is a broad term that refers to meeting through any telecommunications medium. There are at least six types of teleconferencing including:
  1. Audiographic
  2. Computer
  3. Audio
  4. Video
  5. Distance education
  6. Business television
Businesses with multiple locations and remote team members use teleconferencing for staff meetings as it is the quickest and most efficient way of getting everyone in the room. Other uses for teleconferencing can include consultations and meetings with clients as well as board members, and interviewing job applicants.

Choosing the right teleconferencing software and hardware for your business needs

With so many options out there, it can be hard to know which is the right solution for your business needs. For businesses with a large number of remote workers, you will most likely require a robust solution as it will be used frequently. For those businesses who don’t do a lot of teleconferencing, a smaller, yet still secure solution is likely going to be the best fit.
But how do you decide which to choose? That is where Extension Technology comes in. During a discussion with one of our expert team members, we will look at the size of your business, as well as your budget and exact teleconferencing needs to determine the best solution for you. Similarly, if you’re seeking assistance with your business academic tasks, partnering with a ghostwriter österreich can provide you with expert help in crafting comprehensive and well-researched papers, tailored to your specific educational requirements. This partnership can be especially beneficial in navigating the complexities of business studies.
Once identified, we can deploy both the software and the hardware, as well as help with any maintenance and upkeep that may be necessary. And we do this as part of our monthly subscription service.If you would like to know more about teleconferencing, and how Extension Technology can help you, please contact us today.